gardening & so much more.......
T: 01291 673603
Opening Hours
Mon – Sat: 8am – 5pm
Sunday: 8am – 4.30pm

Our History
The Nurseries Llanbadoc was purchased by Chris and Jane Morris in 1982, over 30 years ago. During this time the nursery mainly grew tomatoes, cut flowers and some annual bedding plants.
As demand grew for these plants so did production. Over the years more glass houses were erected and a larger range of bedding plants were grown. At one point the nursery was supplying all the major garden centres in the area with their annual bedding plants.
As time marched on and demand increased, Chris and Jane decided to open a retail store. Usk Garden Centre opened its doors to the public in 1990.
The rest, as they say, is history!
Sisters, Kate and Anna Morris now own and run the garden centre and restaurant with an amazing team of very dedicated staff.

Kate (L) and Anna (R) pictured receiving The Monmouthshire Green Business Award 2014 for Usk Garden Centre, from John Keeegan of Monmouthshire Housing.