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T: 01291 673603
Opening Hours
Mon – Sat: 8am – 5pm
Sunday: 8am – 4.30pm

Climbers provide a vertical dimension to the garden, clothe arches and pergolas, cover unsightly structures, add fragrance and attract wildlife. Here at Usk Garden Centre we have a wide variety of climbers to suit all tastes. From large wisteria dripping with racemes of colour to the heavily scented flowers of jasmine; there’s something to tempt everyone.
Below is a list of the climbers we currently have in stock at Usk Garden Centre but please note that stock changes on a daily basis and if you are looking for a particular variety please ring us before you visit the garden centre to check availability and avoid disappointment.
Climbers we stock
Abeliophllylum distinctum
Actinidia kolomicta
Clematis Abundance
Clematis alpina Foxy
Clematis alpina Helsingborg
Clematis Armandii
Clematis aromatica
Clematis Avalanche
Clematis Beauty of Worcester
Clematis Bees Jubilee
Clematis Blue Angel
Clematis Chantilly
Clematis cirrhosa balearica
Clematis Comtesse de Bouchard
Clematis Continuity
Clematis Crystal Fountain
Clematis Duchess of Albany
Clematis durandii
Clematis Elsa Spath
Clematis Gillian Blades
Clematis Golden Tiara
Clematis Hagley Hybrid
Clematis HF Young
Clematis Honora
Clematis Ken Donson
Clematis Kiri te Kanawa
Clematis Madame Edouard Andre
Clematis Montana Freda
Clematis Montana Grandiflora
Clematis Montana Morjorie
Clematis Montana Miss Christine
Clematis Montana odorata
Clematis Montana Rubens
Clematis Petit Faucon Evisix
Clematis recta Purpurea
Clematis Romantika
Clematis Rubra Marginata
Clematis Special Occasion
Clematis Star of India
Clematis Sunset
Clematis Sylvia Denny
Clematis Tangutica Helios
Clematis tex. Princess of Wales
Clematis The President
Clematis Twighlight
Clematis vit. Black Prince
Clematis vit. Etoile Violette
Clematis vit. Royal Velours
Clematis Westerplate
Fallopia baldschuanica
Hedera Glacier
Hedera Light Fingers
Hedera Montgomery
Hedera Paddy’s Pride
Hedera Sulphur Heart
Humulus Aureus
Hydrangea Petiolaris
Jasminum affine
Jasminum Revolutum
Jasminum Stephanense
Lonicera Belgica
Lonicera caprilia
Lonicera Gold Flame
Lonicera Graham Thomas
Lonicera Hall’s Prolific
Lonicera Michael Rosse
Lonicera Red Gables
Lonicera Tellammaniana
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Parthenocissus Veitchii
Passiflora Caerulea
Passiflora Constance Elliott
Rubus Golden Veil
Rubus spec. Olympic Double
Schisandra rubiflora
Solanum crispum
Solanum jasminioides
Trachelospernum jasminioides
Wisteria Amethyst Falls
Wisteria Caroline
Wisteria Floribunda White
Wisteria Sinensis Blue
Wisteria Sinensis White
Choose the right plant for the aspect and don’t plant too close against its support. Most climbers will need support depending on their habit. Trellises, pergolas, archways, walls can all support climbers with the added use of wire and vine eyes, garden twine or plastic ties. Come out a few inches and angle the plant so that it climbs towards its support. Take the plant off its cane and ties and fan it out/untangle it. Plant in a deep enough hole and water in. Feed as appropriate and spray against pests and diseases.
The one thing to remember when planting clematis be it in a pot or in the garden is to make sure their roots are covered. Plant deep enough to ensure the roots are always submerged in the soil. If planting in a pot a multi-purpose compost with added John Innes will provide just the drainage they need.