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T: 01291 673603
Opening Hours
Mon – Sat: 8am – 5pm
Sunday: 8am – 4.30pm
Soft Fruit

Rhubarb Crumble, Blackberry and Apple Pie, Raspberry Cordial, Gooseberry Fool, Cranberry Sauce, Blackcurrant Jam – just some of the wonderful things you can make from soft fruit and with new stock just arrived at Usk Garden Centre now is the perfect time to get planting.
We have a selection of Blackberries, Blueberries, Raspberries and Tayberries. We have Sunberries – dark, glossy berries with a Loganberry-like taste; Goji Berries – small, red berries like Cranberry and packed full of nutrients; and Mulberries – perfect for jam or wine.
Tip: When buying blueberries, get two different varieties to ensure good cross-pollination and a bumper crop of large berries.
Below is a list of the soft fruit we currently have in stock at Usk Garden Centre but please note that stock changes on a daily basis and if you are looking for a particular variety please ring us before visiting the garden centre to check availability and avoid disappointment.
Soft fruit we stock
Black Mulberry
Blackberry Helen
Blackberry Karaka Black
Blackcurrant Ben Connan
Blackcurrant Ben Lomand
Blueberry (collection of 3)
Blueberry Bluecrop
Blueberry Sunshine Blue
Buckingham Tayberry (Thornless)
Cranberry Pilgrim
Fig Brown Turkey
Goji Berry
Gooseberry Hinnomaki Yellow
Gooseberry Invicta
Kiwi Jenny
Raspberry Autumn Bliss
Raspberry Glen Ample
Raspberry Tulameen
Redcurrant Red Lake
Redcurrant Redstart
Rhubarb Champagne
Rhubarb Victoria
Whitecurrant White Versailles